yes, I TikTok

I am no Charli. I create gym, makeup, fashion hauls, cooking, and little vlog videos. I enjoy sharing my life and creating content on social media. I have no shame of my TikTok. It is a platform where I can be my authentic self. Since COVID, TikTok has been the biggest app in the world. You can learn new trends, cooking techniques, makeup hacks, makeup dupes, healthier options for food, gym routines, food reviews, gratitude lessons, confidence boosters, and the list goes on and on. It actually is crazy when you are talking about a certain topic with someone around your phone and the next time you go on your phone that is the first ad on Instagram or video on TikTok. SCARY.. However, I do see myself getting caught up in posting everything on social media and forgetting about being in the moment. My first thought sometimes is ” let’s post this or viewers would like this.” I just need to put the phone down and live in the moment. I think we can all do that because I know I am not the only one who forgets that. So I am starting to practice on decreasing my screen time. Wow. How pathetic does that sound? LOL. Sadly it is true and this is our generation. ( I am still going to make TikTok’s HAH).